Toxic skin lightening creams containing damaging ingredients were seized in east London.
Toxic skin lightening creams containing damaging ingredients were seized in east London.
Steve Playle, from London Trading Standards, said: “These traders are not only playing with the lives of their customers, but they also face prosecution, fines of up to £20,000 and even the possibility of jail. Most of them know what they are doing is wrong as they hide the products under the counter or in stock cupboards.”
The council is advising members of the public who bought these creams to stop using them immediately and consult their doctor.
Source: Extracts from the Evening Standard (19 January 2016)
Initimate maximum body lotion macury contain produt or not?
Hello Hessa,
Just wondering if you could shed some light on Fair & lovely original cream?
I have read the article for banned substances where two of the types were seized due to mercury. But wondered if there was any information for the F&L pink original version. Does it have any harmful ingredients?
I have been using this cream for the past nearly six years & am worried it has done damage. Also, if I was to concieve but stopped Fair & lovely now, could there be toxins in my body that would harm my unborn child?
Looking forward for your help.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ruby, I don’t know about the pink original version… but if I were you, I would not take the chance. Mercury affects the brain — just do a simple google search and read up on what it does to people and unborn babies.
Also, when mercury is detected in creams, it’s not as if the manufacturer “accidentally spilled some mercury into a batch”. That never happens. It is always, always a deliberate action.
If I were you, I would ask myself if I would trust any products from a manufacturer who would knowingly and purposely do that for the sake of profit despite what mercury can do to people.
Be well.
Thanks Hessa
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